
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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  • Developing Middle Leadership

    Since 2019 our School Development Plan has included the objective 'Excellence in Leadership'. Leadership has been developed amongst pupils and staff (including middle and senior leadership).


    In our November 2019 S48 inspection report it described


    'Leaders at all levels provide strategic direction for the school and care and support for all members.' 


    pupils 'take their responsibilities seriously, seeing their roles as, class or school Prayer Leaders, School Council, Eco Reps, Sports Leaders etc as important.'


    'Leadership of the school is outstanding with the headteacher leading from the front whilst empowering those around her by building their self- confidence through devolved leadership and a collegiate management style.'


    Each year at Sacred Heart, we conduct an annual stakeholder survey. 


    Parental Survey - June 2022

    • 99%of parents agreed that their child was happy at Sacred Heart
    • 99% agreed that pupils are well behaved
    • 98% agree that the school is well-led
    • 98% of parents would recommend Sacred Heart to others


    Pupil Survey - June 2022

    • 100% of pupils agreed that adults at Sacred Heart care about them
    • 95% of pupils feel that they get a chance to contribute to school life
    • 97% felt that their lessons were exciting
    • 100% felt that leaders did a good job


    Staff Survey - December 2022

    • 100% of staff feel proud to work at Sacred Heart


    School review - January 2023

    A school review in January 2023 looked at teaching and learning and completed an audit of early reading, maths, art and science. 


    'The Head and Deputy know their school well...the SLT have a very good awareness of the strengths and areas for development within the school. There has been a considered review of the curriculum provision offered to the children with a focus on developing the progression of skills, concepts and knowledge across each subject.'


    'The teachers interviewed were asked a range of questions - including safeguarding, how leaders support their workload, CPD, ECT support, behaviour and they were consistent and knowledgeable. They presented a positive picture of the school and the support and professional development they receive at Sacred Heart.'
